Sunday, April 19, 2009

: ) Froggies!!!! ( :

Hey guys, you know how I said I moved into a new house,
and my pool was filled with rain water....... something cool happened!!
After it stopped raining me and my family started eating dinner.
My father heard an alarm sound going off.
When he listened closely, it was the croaking sound of frogs!!!!!!!
The next day I woke up and went to my pool........ and guess what...... there were 11 frogs inside!
It was sooooooooo cool!! But the bad thing was the froggies were laying A LOT of eggs!
Also the cleaners were coming to drain out all the water, so we dont know what to do with the frogs. If you have any good Ideas post it as a comment! Bye
( if you wan't some frog eggs your welcome to come here! ) ( Jk ( just kidding ) )

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